“With wholeheartedness… we can feel peaceful because our presence and the presence of the universe are exactly in the same place.” – Dainin Katagiri
There is a concept in Zen called “The Gateless Gate,” and this paradoxical phrase could be said to be the summation of Zen. It is the quandary of duality and non-duality, of experiencing self in separateness or in connected oneness. Zen is among the mystical traditions aiming at “awakening” the experience of non-duality, of oneness, of connection, of seeing into the illusory nature of being a separate self. As long as we experience and believe there is no other reality than separateness, that “I” am “in here,” and all else is “out there,” we are blocked from the ongoing experience of connectedness that is the source of spiritual peace. We may have an intellectual understanding of the desirability and even the scientific proof of interconnectedness, but it is as if we are standing outside an impassable gate that blocks the way to actually experiencing this mythic peace and bliss as the living reality of our lives.
In our culture the entire notion of spiritual realization is simply not given any consideration. We may or may not consider ourselves religious people, but this has very little to do with spiritual realization. In many ways, this spiritual gate is not a religious issue at all, but rather a cultural one, for it has to do with an absolute belief in the separateness of “things” as the only reality, and in the passage of time as the true story of who we are. We live in goals that exist in the future and memories of a story of who we are coming out of the past. Our primary experience, therefore, is of a time/story line of “me, in here” negotiating with other people, the world, and life “out there.”
Western culture (which is now pretty much world culture) believes in the separateness of things as the only reality. Even Western religion, with the exception of marginalized mystical traditions, is based in the separateness of things and in humanity’s “fall” into separateness from God. This is not true with nature-based aboriginal cultures, for their spirituality is in an ongoing living experience of connection with all that exists and the underlying unity of all things. For an aboriginal, the energy of Life or Spirit pervading and giving rise to all things within an interconnected subtle web is a natural experience. There exists very little in the way of power hierarchy in primitive cultures, neither within their social structure, nor in their relationship to Nature. All beings, human and animal, even plant and geographical phenomenon like trees, mountains and rivers, have “spirit,” exist in linked kinship, and are worthy of respect and veneration. Certainly no person, animal or natural life phenomenon is to be objectified, exploited or harmed in the quest for elevation of human power, the abusiveness that marks “civilization,” East and West, but particularly Western.
Traditional Asian culture and religions seem to represent a balance between the aboriginal and Western cultural perspectives, a balance where non-duality and duality co-exist without contradiction. Eastern culture, having achieved high civilizations, has daily life experienced dualistically in the separateness of things and the hierarchy of power that comes with civilizations, while the religious traditions of the East seem to function as a reminder of the underlying truth of non-duality. This is very unlike Western religions that have been transformed through historic enmeshment with the political state to reinforce dualistic hierarchy. Within Eastern cultures there existed two societies; a secular dualistic society and a monastic religious society teaching non-duality as the ultimate insight into Reality and as the antidote to the suffering caused by the cruel dualities of secular life. While not accessible to most ordinary people, the realm of the religious orders was held in awe and respect, and much of the society was guided and informed by the wisdom that emanated from these traditions. The gateless gate is symbolic of the duality of secular identity within ultimate non-duality, and is an acknowledgment of the great difficulty of the realization of non-duality from within the dualistic perspective.
In the contemporary world, if we have studied enough mystical spiritual teaching to be asking the questions, “What is the nature of reality?” “What is spirituality and how do I bring it into everyday life?” “Are we one or are we two?” we have become aware of the gate. If we have taken on a meditation practice, we are, in a sense standing, knocking on the gate, yet, while having glimpses of the “pure land” that Buddhism refers to, we remain mostly frustrated in our attempts to pass through the gate with any consistency. Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki famously koaned, “If you believe we are two, you are wrong; if you believe we are one, you are equally wrong. We are two AND one.” So, how do we achieve this realization that while we live in the appearance of two and must function in a world of dualistic civilization, can we increasingly live in the simultaneous realization that we are one, infinite, and existing in a perfect sacred unfolding of the universe? How do we release ourselves with any consistency from the samsara of suffering that comes with duality-only consciousness?
Suzuki’s compatriot roshi, Dainin Katagiri, answered with the koanic perspective that everything Buddhism has to teach is achieved in “wholeheartedness of presence.” As is intended with a koan, hopefully you have been stopped in your tracks and are giving baffled consideration to what is being said here. Let us examine this statement beginning with the word “presence.” Since we are at the intersection of duality and non-duality, the word must be examined from both perspectives, and we will start with the perspective we are accustomed to, the dualistic perspective. Presence is here, that’s simple. Or is it? Well, where and what is “here?” Again, hopefully the koanic befuddlement is arising in you. You were pretty sure you knew where and what “here” is. Here is here; it is where we locate this body that is me along with its immediate surroundings.
The Zen Master replies, “How small!” And then asks, “Where is the boundary to this ‘here?’” Perhaps our egocentricity begins to be evident to us. As Katagari instructs, “our presence and the presence of the universe are exactly in the same place.” How can it not be so? Perhaps a sudden sense of vast expansiveness arises within you. This can be called “wholeheartedness.” Wholeheartedness is the ability to see the vastness of our true existence. If our presence and the presence of the universe are the same, where and what is not included in this presence? Perhaps a great sense of compassionate identification with all of life begins to arise along with a peaceful sadness for all the unnecessary suffering caused by dualistic egocentricity. Perhaps a wisdom also arises that allows the sadness to be peaceful rather than angry, a wisdom that sees in the vastness of the universe unfolding, everything being as it can be in the unfolding. This is Karma. There is work to be done to bring this sadness before the world peacefully, so the world can see the truth of the error of “egoic delusion.” This is awakening. The business of the Bodhisattva is awakening the world – their wholehearted presence a beacon of what a human can be.
This is waking up out of our egocentric dream of duality. This is awakening into true presence. Our intellect barely grasps this, for the intellect is for creating separate thought-forms to give order to our experience. Our physical senses cannot grasp it for our senses are designed to perceive separateness and detail of forms. This realization requires the opening of the sense of intuition, a sense neglected, even scorned in Western culture. Yet, it is actually the most important of our mental capacities for it is the sense of individualized consciousness, awareness, connecting with the energy of consciousness that permeates the universe and gives rise to the material form of the universe – all connected.
WHAT?! Yes, our Western mind balks at this, yet….. like a bell ringing in the distance, do you not know this in the deepest recesses of your consciousness, in the primitive being that arose out of Nature and existed in the mystery and unity of Nature that was your Paleolithic ancestor of fifteen thousand years ago? These nature-humans knew in the very cells of their body and mind that they were Nature and they lived in the web and womb of Spirit, and this cellular memory is alive in us today. This is wholeheartedness. This is whole-mindedness, the bringing and integrating of our total mental faculties, including intuition into unlocking the gate.
“Show me your original face!” commands the Zen Master. Awaken from the sleep of civilization and all the misery and suffering it causes. Awaken into wholeheartedness of presence where you and the universe are one – all place, all time, all beings. You are now standing where once there was a gate, but now, all space and time and possibility open up in front of you “because our presence and the presence of the universe are exactly in the same place.” No longer in the forest, rather in civilization, in the universe, living a civilized life, but not so broken, ready to evolve an entirely new chapter in human civilization where duality and non-duality are equally honored. Where “we are two AND one.”